2018 Treasures

This year in Term 1 I shared my treasures with my homebase.
We shared them because in P.B.L we are focusing on who we
 really are and about sharing our stories. We also did family
trees to go with P.B.L. If you are wondering what P.B.L stands for, it is project based learning and this is when you focus on a specific question for the term.

What are your treasures?
My auntie Jan was one of my treasures
and she is super important. I loved her, sadly she passed away at the end of last year 2017 and she had been fighting for her life for 2 years. She had chemotherapy and lived
at home. Then she got really bad and the
tumor grew and she couldn't stay at home by herself any more.

My my second treasure was my sister and she
is important to me because she's my sister.
I can go to her for everything in the world and
she is always with me so yeah she's one of my

What are your treasures?


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