George's marvellous medicine

Image result for george's marvellous medicineGeorge's marvelous medicine
Is about a little boy who gets left at home with his
miserable old grandmother while his parents go out.
Or though in the story it doesn’t tell you where George’s
parents go but they go out and leave George at home which
was a big mistake.

And i’ll tell you why his grandmother
is one mean old grump. Anyway his grandma is such
a grumpy old lady that she has to take medicine for it so...
George decided to make her a medicine of his own.
So he doesn't hesitate George gets a saucepan and is
started the thought she definitely needs a lot of cleaning
products and lots more for her (smell,look,hair) and much
much more after this medicine had been made he thought
it was definitely time for his grandma's medicine.

One big spoon full she was jumping of the walls she was
bobbing up and down stem was rushing out her ears and
she shot of as soon as George's parents walked through
the door BUT THEN...


  1. Hi Charlotte my name is Millie from Marshland School. I really like that book I find it interesting, I like that you used lots of information . Did you know I have a friend called charlotte ? I am just wondering what happens after the BUT THEN...


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