
Showing posts from February, 2019

How to write a book review

How to write a book review and what to in clued in it! 1. Start with a couple of sentences describing what the book is about But without giving any spoilers or revealing plot twists! As a general rule, try to avoid writing in detail about anything that happens from about the middle of the book on wards. If the book is part of a series, it can be useful to mention this, and whether you think you'd need to have read other books in the series to enjoy this one. 2. Discuss what you particularly liked about the book Focus on your thoughts and feelings about the story and the way it was told. You could try answering a couple of the following questions: Who was your favourite character, and why? Did the characters feel real to you? Did the story keep you guessing? What was your favourite part of the book, and why? Were certain types of scene written particularly well - for example sad scenes, tense scenes, mysterious ones...? Did the book make you laugh or cry? Did the st...

Week 9 free choice blog post swimming sports

All last week St Francis of Assisi school from years 1/8 went every day to swimming sports that was held at Q-E-2 each and every student learnt servile stroke,how to keep there head above the water and how,good you are and,what you're strongest strokes are. Mine is free stile and back stroke,i competed in a race for swimming not to long ago i entered in 25 meter free style and 50 meter back stroke i came 2nd in free style and 4th in back stroke. (Have you been to QE2 yet? What a you're strongest strength's?)

Week five free choice blog Duathlon

This Friday i am competing in a Duathlon i'm so exited and nerves at the same time but i'm sure it will be fun. I'm competing in this event because i just missed the Weetbix kids triathlon entry's by one day i was so disappointed but i'm happy because i'm doing this Duathlon in seed also later this year i'm competing in the goody mud run that will be so so so fun i cant wait. (Have you ever competed in a mud run triathlon or Duathlon?) Add caption

Swimming sports

Last  Friday  st  Francis  of  Assisi  catholic  school  from  years  5/8  went  to  jelly  park  to  compete  in  a  swimming  companionship  comp  each  student  had  to  compete  in  a  maximum  of  two  strokes  we  had  four to chose from  they were ,back stroke,free style,breath stroke, and  the  hardest  of them  all  butterfly. I  competed  in  twenty  five  meter  free  style  and  fifty  meter  back  stroke.  We  had  to  pack  a  big  lunch  and  a  cold  water  bottle  so  that  we  had  lots  and  lots  of  energy  once  it  came  our  tern  to race. It  was  difficult...

The fantastic holidays

In  the  Christmas  holidays  my  family  and  I  went  to  Twizel  we  spent  two  weeks  there  it  was so  fun  we  stayed  on  the  farm  at  our  grandparents  house  and  we  went  on  the  bout  almost every  day  for  the  first  week  the  second  week  we  weren't  as  lucky  it  rain  so  much  so  instead we  just  hung  out  in  the  stabilise  and  groomed  the  horses  and  went  riding. My  favourite  horse  there  has  just  been  born  he's  still  only  little  his  name  is  Jessie  he  is  so cute  and  he  loves  cuddles  well...