Swimming sports

Last  Friday  st  Francis  of  Assisi  catholic  school  from  years  5/8  went  to  jelly  park  to  compete  in  a  swimming  companionship  comp  each  student  had  to  compete  in  a  maximum  of  two  strokes  we  had  four to chose from  they were ,back stroke,free style,breath stroke, and  the  hardest  of them  all  butterfly. I  competed  in  twenty  five  meter  free  style  and  fifty  meter  back  stroke.

 We  had  to  pack  a  big  lunch  and  a  cold  water  bottle  so  that  we  had  lots  and  lots  of  energy  once  it  came  our  tern  to race. It  was  difficult  doing  the  50  meter  back  stroke because i couldn't see  the  wall  so  i  didn't  know  when  to  turn  around  so that i could  start  going  the   other way.
But it was fun.

Have you ever done swimming sports? When and were?


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