
Welcome back to my blog
This week we have been writing instructions for games,skills,songs,art and loads more this blog im showing you my instructions my instructions are (How to make a chines lantern)......Feel free to make your own lantern with my instructions.
(Have you ever made one of these before?)(Did you find this blog interesting why/why not)

You will need:
  • Two sheet of paper A4
  • Pencil and ruler
  • Scissors
  • Glue

  • Fold the red paper in half either way
  • Then use the pencil and ruler to trace lines perpendicular to the folded side about 3/4" apart and leaving 3/4" at the top
  • Use the scissors to cut through the lines, this will form the bars in the middle of the lantern.
  • Roll the gold paper lengthwise to form a tube, this will be the centre of the lantern
  • Secure it with some glue
  • Open the red paper
  • Match the red paper cut out with the gold tube at one end
  • Secure with glue
  • Match the other side leaving some of the gold tube visible depending on how tall or short you want your lantern to be.
  • Secure with glue
  • Cut any excess gold tube at the bottom
  • Or just leave it as part of the decoration
  • You can use the excess gold strip to make the handle.
  • Glue on both sides at the top.
  • Ready!


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