
Welcome back to my blog
 Today im telling you about what the Kaupeka hub did last week. Last week the Attitude people came to our school and had a conversation about a funny topic. What they talked to us about was... Puberty we weren't  expecting to turn up to school that morning to find out the puberty man was coming to our school to talk to us... They talked to us about the changes we will be going through the next few years...They talked a bit about the boys and a bit about the girls the man covered just about everything we hope. The next day they came in again but this time instead of it being boys and girls in the hall together the boys were in the hall with Rory/the puberty man, and the girls were in the hub with the puberty laddie. In the separate session we covered more things that happened to girls and we played a game where you run to a corner of the room and each corner of the room counted as an answer. We also got to ask questions that were meant more for girls and about relationships and feeling we might be getting or maybe something that we were worried about but overall It was OK. And it definitely opened our eyes a lot more to the feelings and random mood swing kids our age have.
(Have you seen these Attitude people before???)


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