Question: What is the most efficient way to cook a sausage using solar power? Materials Over sized shoe box x 2 Aluminum foil lots,s cissors,craft knife or box cutter,tape,g lue,p encil,r uler, Single hole punch, s kewer+10 sizzlers+10, buns+10, and your favorite hot dog condiments!+tin foil,g lass,g lass painted black Background Research The way that our hot dog should cook is that when the sun has hit our reflective material e.g Glass, Tin foil and glass painted black it should reflect the heat onto our meat that we are cooking in this case a hot dog. The heat from the sun that is reflected should cook the Hot dog. The time the hot dog takes to cook really depend on the heat and sunlight we get. We Will not be using a precook d hot dog because that would not really “cook” it would just reheat. To see if our hot dog is cooked we will look at the outside of the skin and if it looks cooked on the outside we will put a little cut in it and look ...